Team slogan

Time is gold, ask us for time-saving solutions to perform repetitive tasks in your business

Hi, I'm

Our team welcomes creative and ethical people who want to be better, more successful and more efficient than yesterday We are also ready to turn your ideas into reality by providing consulting services and business software intelligence

Hey, I'm

Innovative developer with more than 6 years of experience in designing website and application development in a broad range of industries including stores, entertainment , management systems, etc.

Hi, I'm

As a designer in the field of user interface design and user experience, I focus on improving the user experience of the site and application.

About us

The Time Elixir programming team started its activity in 2016 and set its slogan to save time and progress faster together. And we are trying to produce applications needed by the society. we hope that with your company, dear readers, we will see each other's progress.

What we offer

Affordable services

Research and analysis
Web Development
UI/UX design
Mobile application development
Network management

Latest portfolio

The perfect solution for the digital experience

Do you want to join us?

Fill out the form and start a new adventure.


Iran, Qeshm, Holor


Let's talk

Describe your skills and abilities

Write short, concise and useful about yourself and your goals and why you want to join our team